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Showing posts from October, 2006


Techcrunch消息 : 相传Google即将收购YouTube。我们都知道在再线视频领域Youtube是大佬,而Google这艘网络航母虽然推出了自己的视频产品Google Video,但在市场份额是远不及YouTube的。但是Google有的是现金,而YouTube却老是抱怨资金不足。 相传这次交易将达到16亿美元。我们知道,YouTube曾经公然宣布过,YouTube的价值在15亿至20亿美元之间。真的希望Google能够成功收购YouTube,成为在线视频的领军。   Technorati tags: Google , YouTute

Google Group也Beta

Google官方消息 ,今天Google放出了Google group的 Beta版本 .还放了照片。 相比 non-beta 版本 of Google Groups,Google Groups Beta有如下更新 首先当然是版式上面有变化,Google Groups Beta放弃了原版Google Groups的左边导航,右边文章的传统版式,随之而来的是右边导航的模式。 推出了以下新特性: Page Creation : Create and collaborate on shared web pages, hosted within the group itself. Customization : Select pictures, colors and styles to give your group its own distinct look. File sharing : Upload and share your work with others in your group. Member profiles : Learn more about the other members in your group. 加大了共享的力度。在新版的Google Groups Beta里,用户参与的程度更高,使Google Groups Beta成为了Google 的又一Web2.0应用。

用Picasa往Blogger beta发图片

用过Picasa的用户都知道,Picasa的一大特色就是分享,她支持往Blogger里面照片。于是大家就会问,能不能往Blogger Beta 里面发图片呢? 在一天以前的答案是不能。你会刊到下面的景象。 不过Blogger Beta的用户你不要懊恼,Google是不会忘记用户的。 据 Blogger buzz消息 ,Picasa现在也能往Blogger Beta里面发照片拉!我赶紧测试了一下,果然可以: 但是用Picasa发照片还是要注意一点的: 如果你以前是用Blogger帐号登入的Picasa的话,你要赶紧退出登入,然后用你的Google帐户登入Blogger beta 还有你要确定你的Blog开启了backlinks,没有开启可是会失败的哦。 好了,大家赶紧往Blogger beta里面多多发图吧! Technorati tags: blogger beta , picasa , blogger

Windows Live Writer Uptate,完美支持Blogger Beta

还记得怎样 将Blogger Beta加入Windows Live Writer 吗?其实不用那么麻烦了,Windows Live Writer 官方BLOG 的 消息 ,Window Live Writer 已经可以原生支持Blogger Beta 了。 Window Live Writer 的官方解释原文是: In our latest Beta update release (build 141), we added support for Blogger Beta . However, just after we completed our final testing, Blogger Beta released an update that caused Writer to not work correctly. We have fixed the problems and have updated our Beta (in build 145). If you're using Blogger Beta, you should download and install the latest version of Writer. You can just install over your existing version of Writer, it will upgrade it automatically. When you configure your Blogger Beta account in Writer, everything should work fine and you shouldn't be required to take any manual steps. Sorry to the users who ran into problems with this. Thanks very much for reporting the problems and for your understanding! Charles Teague Development Manager, Windows Live Writer 我简单翻译下: 在我们最近的测试更新(Build141)中,我们加入了对Blogger Beta的支